



綠色能源 雙輪驅(qū)動(dòng) 全球戰(zhàn)略
Application fields
Self-developed precursor materials such as cobaltosic oxide, NCM and NCA are widely used in power transportation, 3C digital and energy storage.
Global layout

Zhongwei shares closely follow the pace of the global high-end supply chain and help the development of the global new energy industry

  • Guizhou Province

  • Hunan Province

  • Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  • Guizhou Province

  • Indonesia

  • Finland

  • Pohang

  • Hong Kong

  • Seoul

  • Tokyo

Friendship link CNGR group
Contact us

Public mailbox:cngr@cngrgf.com.cn
Address:New Energy Industrial Park in Western China, Dalong Economic Development Zone, Yuping county, Tongren city, Guizhou

CNGR Advanced Material Co., Ltd.
Technical Support:Jingwang Smart Win  Sitemap  Business license

Attention to us

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